vendredi 7 décembre 2007

Azureus pour Windows

Azureus est un système de partage de fichier en Peer to Peer qui fonctionne particulièrement bien sur les fichiers à forte demande (nouvelles démos, nouvelles distributions Linux...).  Azureus est un des clients Bittorrent les plus complets mais présente l'inconvénient et aussi un avantage dans certains cas d'être développé en Java. Il faut donc installer la machine virtuelle Java de Sun pour l'utiliser.

Avec un graphisme trés bien élaboré , muni d'options plus ou moins interressantes , Azureus est un des meilleurs logiciel de partage P2P .

Changelog :

  • FEATURE: Core : Reconnect to peers after unexpected disconnect / recover stats of recently disconnected peers [Parg,The 8472]
  • FEATURE: Core : Global download speed limit can also limit the number of outgoing requests, this should improve TCP performance [The 8472]
    • -does not work with auto-speed since an explicit download speed-limit must be set
    • downloads from as few peers as possible when the global limit is reached
    • -prioritizes downloads which are on the head of the queue
  • FEATURE: Core : IP binding now provides primitive round-robin load balancing for users with multiple internet connections; accepts interface names and IPv6 binding (if supported on the platform) [The 8472]
  • FEATURE: Core : Embed ChangeLog.txt in release jar [Nolar]
  • FEATURE: UI : Column menu option to automatically put contents of cell into the tooltip [amc1]
  • FEATURE: UI : Piece distribution view is now also available as a peer subview [The 8472]
  • FEATURE: UI : Added 'time remaining' column to peers view [Parg]
  • FEATURE: UI : Added option to suppress file download dialog [khai]
  • FEATURE: UI : Various progress reports have been unified; main status bar can display progress for certain processes now [khai]
  • FEATURE: Plug : Plugins can now change the color of rows [amc1]
  • FEATURE: Plug : Plugins can add configuration colour parameters [amc1]
  • CHANGE: Core : Attempt to re-open a file when access fails to try and recover from a transient error [Parg]
  • CHANGE: Core : Auto speed default is now the new 'beta' (v2) algorithm [ranul] CHANGE: Core : Revised piece picking code to deal better with some edge cases and snubbed peers [The 8472]
  • CHANGE: Core : Share Ratio/min Seeds ignore rule now applies even when no tracker scrape is available [The 8472]
  • CHANGE: UI : Added private torrent indicator to the general tab [The 8472]
  • CHANGE: UI : Logging Consoles now have regex-based filters [The 8472]
  • CHANGE: UI : Tweaked table views to use a bit less memory and run better when items are being quickly removed/added [TuxPaper]
  • BUGFIX: UI : Don't hang UI redraw if file access is slow [Parg]
  • BUGFIX: UI : Fixed inconsistencies in the Torrent Open Dialog related to renaming and retargeting files and directories [The 8472]


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