
mercredi 5 décembre 2007

TweakVI 'Basic' Edition 1.0 build 1075


Logiciel en français d'optimisation pour VISTA ! la version Basic est gratuite mais limitée dans ses applications , fonctionne aussi sur la version 64 bits de Vista.      



  • - Fixing a bug in the 'Outlook' plugin where some system folder settings were not read from the registry properly
  • - Fixing a bug in the 'Registry Cleaner' plugin where system files and hidden files were not recognized by the scanner as existing files
  • * Several changes to the setup to fix a few rare problems with the registration of required system files
  • * Updated system files in relation to the above problems caused during installation of TweakVI
  • * Updated resource files for better performance and stability

System requirements: Windows Vista 32bit or 64bit, at least RC1 (build 5200)


                 Télécharger TweakVI 'Basic' Edition 1.0 build 1075             

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